Sat Phone Sales on Google Best Satellite Deals 2023


satellite phone Iridium Extreme

Started working on the new website for satellite phone sales. It will always be updated with the best deals for satellite phones in 2023. 

I plan on keeping it small just separate pages for the latest promotions and best ways to save on purchasing a satellite phone or satellite communication device like the Bivy Stick.

Check it out if you're interested in the latest satellite phone models or the current Iridium satellite phones  

Updated resources and the latest satellite phone offers can be found at

Updated as of 5/19/2022:

Top current satellite phone deals for 2022 are from Pivotel and Satellite Phone Store. Best sales include IsatPhone 2 and Iridium Extreme both are free handset promotions when you sign up to the 100 plan. Might be better of to buy than rent here. Also just as impressive and offered by Satellite Phone Store the ACR Bivy Stick $0.99 deal with unlimited plan.  

Interest is really heating up in Satellite Phone Rentals. For short term use it can be the perfect option.

Take care 


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